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Eiffel Spark Supreme C5 0W20 SP

Eiffel Spark Supreme C5 0W20 SP

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Eiffel Spark Supreme C5 0W20 SP is a fully synthetic advanced performance engine oil blended in high performance synthetic technology basestocks (PAO-polyalphaolefin) fortified with advanced technology additive system, that provides exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance. Especially designed to improve fuel economy (FE), prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of Car Emission Reduction Systems in modern diesel and gasoline powered automobile engines with extended oil change intervals. Low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) make it fully compatible with aftertreatment systems, such Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) and Gasoline Particulate Filters (GPFs). Latest generation motor oil specifically engineered for vehicles equipped with EURO 6 engines in passenger cars and light vehicles, running on diesel or gasoline fuel.

Eiffel Spark Supreme C5 0W20 SP is suitable for use in following:

  • All types of modern vehicles, including high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged multi-valve fuel
    injected engines & Diesel Common-rail injection with DPFs and gasoline engine with GPFs.
  • Recommended for applications requiring an ACEA C5, SAE 0W-20 specification, that makes it suitable
    for a variety of models from engine designs equipped with latest Emission Reduction Systems.


Typical Characteristics

Eiffel Spark Supreme C5 Test Method Units 0W-20
Density @ 15 °C ASTM D 4052 gm/cc 0.840
Viscosity @ 100 °C ASTM D 445 cSt 8.2
Viscosity @ 40 °C ASTM D 445 cSt 40.5
Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 182
Pour Point ASTM D 97 °C -45
Flash Point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C 220
Total Base Number ASTM D 2896 mg KOH/g 8.2
Sulfated Ash ASTM D 874 % mass 0.8
CCS Viscosity ASTM D 5293 cP 5850 @ -35 °C
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